Sable Mizuno

The Serpent's Shadow


  • Her Appearance/Eyes - Sable is quite strange-looking for a Xaelan AuRa; her skintone is almost a ghostly pale and her eyes seem artificial as well as an abnormal color, sometimes making her quite unsettling to look at...

  • Attire - Often decorated in the traditional garb of Kugane, Sable is always one to appreciate a person with a good sense of style!

  • Kugane - If you're knowledgeable about the center of Hingashi, you may very well have seen Sable escorting her former tutor, an elder Midlander named Ujikata Kansho around the city.

  • The Gilded Dragon - A high-class brothel in a big business sector of Shirogane, where Sable served as a courtesan. Due to her heritage as a Xaela and unusual pale skin, Sable tended to stand out as exotic to its patrons.

  • Night Owl - For whatever (or perhaps an undisclosed) reason, Sable is more commonly found in the evening or at night.

  • Eorzean Inexperience - Sable only recently arrived in Eorzea, and she still sometimes finds herself lacking understanding in the cultures of its people.

  • Freedom Fighters - Beneath the Kugane Theater is a band of vigilantes that call themselves The Freedom Fighters. Their goal is to free individuals all over the Star from slavery. RARE. Please discuss with me prior to using this.


  • "Did you see the strange marks on her arms? They look like burns. What do they mean?"

  • "It seems like she can spot the smallest details from yalms away. How does she do that?"

  NAME:    Sable Mizuno  NICKNAME/ALIAS:    The Serpent's Shadow, The Agent of Subterfuge  AGE:    24 Summers  DATE OF BIRTH:    2nd Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon (2/2)  GENDER & PRONOUNS:    Female, She/Her  ORIENTATION:    Heterosexual/Straight, Monogamous  PARENTS:   
- Ajinai Dotharl (Bio. Father; Disowned)
- Solongo Dotharl (Bio. Mother; Disowned)
- 6 siblings (Biological; Not in contact)
  SIGNIFICANT OTHER:    None  BATTLECLASS:    Viper (VPR)  OCCUPATION:    Spy/"Freedom Fighter"  LANGUAGES:   
- Hingan (Fluent)
- Eorzean (Working Proficiency)
- Steppe (Working Profiency)
- Doesn't like to draw attention to herself despite her appearance making it hard to avoid
- Quiet, but eloquent way of speaking
- Always wears sunglasses/eye coverings in brightly lit areas
- Hates the thought of getting drunk
- 'Eye for an Eye' mindset
- Pragmatic nature
- Dislikes the smell of cigarettes/cigarrellos
- Masks negative emotions with ease
- Excels at reading people/body language
- Blunt, sometimes to a fault


Though her footsteps are light, the AuRi always seems to walk with a purpose. Her words are few but eloquent paired with a gentle tone. Even if you didn't see her before she passed by, the blended scent of cherry, vanilla, and cinnamon lingers in the air for a moment or two longer like a ghost. The two swords strapped to her back have seen many battles but are still kept in pristine condition. Her eyes, a very unusual color and appearance, are nearly always hidden behind dark sunglasses or some type of eye covering.

HER Story as we know it

 I. The Bonds That Break    
Born under a different name to the Dotharl Tribe, Sable was trained from a young age to follow in the tribe's footseps of becoming a warrior. Her parents were very strict, and even the most trivial things such as Namedays were forgotten to days of intense training and exercise. As a young adolescent, Sable contracted a strange illness that affected her optic nerves and skin pigmentation. Eventually, she lost her sight and her skin lost most of its color, giving her an appearance similar to that of a ghost. With their daughter unable to uphold the family's legacy, her parents disowned her.
 II. A Mysterious Stranger  
Adjusting to a life without sight proved to be very difficult for Sable. The months passing her exile, she camped around the Steppe, taking any scraps of food or clothing from any and all who would take pity on her. She began to hear rumors of a strange traveler frequently visiting the small settlement, picking up enough idle chatter to vaguely picture what he apparently looked like. One day, in the marketplace, Sable is approached by the stranger. He introduces himself as Alden, a traveling merchant and tells her stories of Kugane. Days turned to weeks, and when it was time for Alden to return home, Sable asked to accompany him in hopes of a better life. He agrees, and the two set off for the heart of Orthard. Little did she know of the turn her life would take.
The moment the pair set foot in Kugane, she was apprehended. The man she'd known as Alden was a lie; the tales of a merchant were swept away as the truth of his life came to light. Alden was a hired scout for a slaver in the city. Sable quickly learned that her survival depended on doing whatever she was told. Two Summers of harsh lessons, from the Hingan language to traditional Kugane dances to techniques of pleasure, and she found herself promoted to the rank of courtesan in the high-class brothel called The Gilded Dragon. For three years, she entertained clients of all backgrounds, but her favorite came to her not for pleasure, but for her company. The man was a monster hunter by trade, wielding two short swords that could be attached together to make a double-bladed stave. Unlike Alden, Ujikata had proved to her that he was honest with her from the start. One fateful night at the brothel, he told her to lock the door behind him when he left and not to open it until someone knocked on it five times. Hesitantly, she followed his instructions, lying in wait for what felt like an eternity. III. A Den of Dragon Blood  
Ujinaka and a platoon of others laid waste to the brothel, killing the guards and any staff that knew the truth behind the courtesan's "employment". Eventually, the screaming and chaos died down until finally, there was a knock at the door. She was ushered out of the room by a woman who's voice she didn't recognize. Her savior led her through what sounded like a city to what she could only assume was a house on the outskirts. She knocks on the door the same as she did at the brothel, and upon hearing Ujinaka's voice, Sable knew she'd been freed. The woman introduces herself as his wife, who personally insisted that she be the one to come for her when the fight was over. The three talked through the night, and as he put her to bed the next morning, he informed her that the next night they were going to visit a friend of his.
He held true to his word. The next night, his wife cast a glamour disguise on Sable, and they set off into the city. Ujinaka would not speak of who they were visiting or where they were going until they were off the streets and away from prying eyes and ears. This friend introduces himself to Sable as "Ghost", and explains that he was affiliated with the group of people that freed everyone from The Gilded Dragon. She learns that he is an engineer and specializes in Garlean Magitek, and that he may be able to engineer her new eyes. IV. Reborn From the Ashes  
Ghost was successful in creating a pair of artificial eyes for Sable; she could see sharper, farther, and better in the dark, but bright lights, such as the bare sun, caused her varying degrees of physical discomfort. After much experimentation, several pairs of special eyeglasses were created for her to wear during the day. Having her sight back after five years brought Sable unspeakable levels of joy, and after many more talks, she was officially inducted into the Freedom Fighters, wishing to fight alongside them in future raids to free the enslaved. With her new lease on life came a yearning to shed the name she was given at birth. After careful thought and consideration, she'd settled on her new name: Sable Mizuno.
Ujinaka took her under his wing as his pupil, and she became a deadly threat in combat. Ujinaka and his wife treated her as their own, and even after his wife passed away, Sable made sure to look after her tutor, just as he'd done for her. In addition to learning combat techniques, Ujinaka also taught her the art of stealth, showcasing the value in being able to slip in and out of places without anyone ever seeing her. These skills were put to the test when she ran intel missions for the Freedom Fighters. In the unusual event that she were spotted, she found herself relying on quick but powerful strikes to subdue her opponents. The rest of the Freedom Fighters awarded her the nickname "The Serpent's Shadow", a title that Sable immediately took a liking to. It soon became a habit of hers to leave behind a calling card on raids; a simple piece of cardstock with a detailed drawing of a serpent on it. V. The Fight for Freedom  
With more and more calls for help coming in from around the star, the ranks of the Freedom Fighters had grown in the last years, and Sable departed Kugane with a platoon of her own to establish a base in Eorzea and more easily answer the summons of those seeking liberation.
Using her skills, Sable was eventually able to locate Alden, who had fled to Gridania some time after she had become a courtesan, but he has since proved to be a thorn in her side. She's chased him from Gridania to Ishgard to Tural, where he'd finally been cornered by Sable...and eliminated. Before his death, Alden confessed to being involved with a network of slave traders that were planning to wage war on the Fighters, though he refused to put a name to the organization.


  CHARACTER NAME      This could be you!  CHARACTER NAME      This could be you!  CHARACTER NAME      This could be you!

hello there!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read about Sable!If you're interested in RP-ing, feel free to shoot me a /Tell if you found me in-game or a message on Discord if you've seen me post her Carrd there!I also have other characters available! You can read about them here.I typically prefer Discord RP for longer scenes, but I'm willing to try in-game RP for smaller scenes every so often. This being said, I don't expect a post every day, but if I'm waiting for weeks to get a single response, I will leave. I don't mind a little lore-bending, but don't break it.Either of us have the right to walk away from an RP at any point for any reason, whether it is disclosed or not.If you found me in-game, feel free to ask for my Discord if you're serious about setting up an RP!

I'm looking for...

  • Partners 21+

  • Long-term RP/OOC Friendships

  • Discord RP

  • Good OOC communication

  • Story/Plot collaboration

  • All genres

  • Paragraph/Mirror style writing

  • Romance (If the characters mesh well)

I'm not looking for...

  • Roll-based combat systems - I will react in a way that fits my character and her skill level

  • Custom/non-in game races (includes Sin Eaters and NiER Androids)

  • Plotless ERP

  • Slice of Life RP - It's totally fine every so often, but I don't want it to be the primary focus

  • Bad grammar/first-person POV writing

  • Single sentence posts

  • Characters imported from other universes without adaptation to XIV's lore

  • IRL/OOC Drama

  • Flakes - If you aren't going to take the RP seriously, then don't bother with me

  • Having to join an FC/Fellowship to RP